September 25, 2021

Website - now refreshed and operational

 I am very relieved to report that the major aspect of the transition between my old and new website has worked satisfactory with only a short period of absence.

The latest version of my website is now operational and I can at last make changes to it.  

The news section is now this 'blog' which is embedded into the site.

As yet the GHA section has not been revised - but this should be done shortly.  In the meantime there are links back to my old website which I hope will work for as long as Google allows it to remain. 

Whilst the presentation has changed the content of the new website is not much different from the old version but now that the major work has been done in the transferring of the information I hope to be able to spend more time expanding on the number of operators covered.

The old website still exists and any bookmarks / favourite links etc may still point to the old site.  The new site now just uses the URL

As usual I will be delighted to receive feedback through the website.  I would be interested to learn if the change is an improvement or if there are any criticisms of the new site.