In August 2019 a company Crosville Coaches Limited was formed with its registered office being a Minford Marian, Trelawnyd, Rhyl. LL18 6EB. The Director of the company was Wesley Alan Goodwin of the address in Trelawnyd. Wes Goodwin is the 3rd generation of the Go Goodwin family. His grandfather started the bus business in 1976 and it has grown to a significant coach and bus firm based in the Manchester area. Apparently the family have had connections with North Wales and the delightful premises in Trelawnyd, which was formerly a horse stable / riding centre, was purchased as a home in 2019.
Following the formation of the company an application was made for an Operators Licence for 10 vehicles with the Operating Centre to be the premises in Trelawnyd. However in November 2019 the Traffic Commissioner's Notices & Proceedings showed that this application had been withdrawn before determination. A possible reason for this withdrawal was issues concerning planning permission for the premises concerned. These premises are in or are very close to the area of 'outstanding beauty'.
It was understood that a search began looking for more suitable premises possibly nearer the Industrial part of the area.
Alun Andrew has operated a bus and coach business from Halendy Garage in Mostyn since 1983. Over recent years his business has gradually reduced and currently he has only two midi sized buses. It is believed that discussions took place between Wes Goodwin and Alun Andrew regarding the possible purchase of the business and premises in Mostyn to enable Alun to retire. However possibly due to Covid or maybe other factors no progress has been made to finalise any such arrangements.
Interestingly Company House records shows the name of the company has changed a number of times as follows:-
(8th October 2020) to A N Andrews Coaches Limited.
(15th October 2020) to A N Andrew Coaches Limited
(later the same day) to Crossville Coaches Limited.
The correct spelling of Alun’s surname is Andrew (not Andrews) and the current name of the company has unfortunately become an incorrect spelling of the iconic Crosville name.
In addition the sole director of the company changed in September 2020 from Wes Goodwin to Sally Goodwin (wife of Wes).
Van Hool TD27 G19RUN (now GD59NNY) seen at Trelawnyd in August 2021