January 11, 2022

Buses in Malta

I have been very fortunate that I have visited the beautiful island of Malta on holiday a couple of times and have been able to witness the absolutely amazing buses in Malta during their heyday before the arrival of Arriva.

I have recently come across a superb video to be found on 'You Tube'.

It is a presentation by Richard Stedall from the Malta Bus Archive to members of the Omnibus Society. (Thanks to Paul Wilkinson for this link)

The talk was entitled "101 years of continuous bus services on Malta" and takes a look at aspects of Maltese bus history during that period.

At the end of the presentation are two other pieces of video which were shown as part of the talk and the whole video takes just over an hour to watch

The link is : https://youtu.be/nMOvKch4dL4

Hope you enjoy this