April 28, 2022

Two bus enthusiast stalwarts lost - David Cunningham and Carl Berry

 I am saddened this week to learn about two people that have died this week that were terrific contributors to the hobby of bus enthusiasm and transport history.  I was honoured to have known both of them 

David Cunningham

David spent part of his working life with Crosville and I have been told he was a brilliant scheduling clerk.  He gained management positions within the industry and he retired in March 2005 as the Managing Director of Halton Transport.

His knowledge of former Crosville routes was second to none and I shall be ever grateful for his painstaking work of photographing very many Crosville timetables which has enabled me to display them on my website.

He was truly a gentleman and a very interesting and informative character. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him and is a huge loss.


Carl Berry

News of his death is truly shocking. 

                                                Carl driving his coach in June 2019

He was the proud owner of the former Bristol RE/ECW coach CRG103 (AFM103G) and although he was not from 'Crosville land' and his original intention was to buy the coach to put into 'Bristol' livery he was easily persuaded to return it to Crosville livery and the coach was an absolute credit to him.

He was also the 'webmaster' for the Crosville Enthusiast Club  website.

I also noted that he was a serious contributor to a number of online transport forums.

He too will be sorely missed