Joining Dan Keane's fleet is a Scania K340EB4 / Caetano Lavante (C49FLt). It is currently registered as K11BBT but was originally FJ07DWF. It has carried during its lifetime the registrations 828EWB and AYZ3679. It is not clear at this stage whether it will retain the cherished number.
The Caetano was new in June 2007 to Classic, Annfield Plain, Durham; (8/2012) TGM Group, Essex; (4/15) Prentice Westwood, West Calder, Stockton-on Tees; (2021) Jewitt, Chollerford, Northumberland; (3/21) Ian Bishop (British Blue Tours), Tranmere.
The Volvo B7R / Plaxton Profile (C51FL) PX59CVD also belongs to Dan Keane. It was new in October 2009 to Stagecoach North West later with Stagecoach North [53338].