August 13, 2023

Crosville at the Hooton event August 2023

 The annual visit to the Hooton event is usually very enjoyable - but today I was blown away. My main objective was to ride on DFG65 (875 VFM) which I achieved. I was lucky to be on the very first journey it has made for very many years with passengers. The ride to Port Sunlight was delightful and thanks to Nigel for his excellent driving and to Clive for preserving this wonderful example of the Crosville heritage. 


But this was all over shadowed by the appearance at Hooton of DKB476 (OFM 634) which today made its first public appearance in Crosville livery since being sold to a contractor back in 1967 (some 56 years ago). The restoration undertaken by its owner Graham Thorogood is absolutely fantastic and its condition is just stunning. To make the day complete I was so lucky to be one of the few able to ride on it for its first journey with passengers.