November 30, 2023

Bus Times now tracking most of buses of bus operators in Wales

 BusTimes.Org has always been a fantastic resource for bus enthusiasts since it started to track buses.    However until recently the number of Operators had been limited.

Most Operators in England were required to provide open, accurate and up-to-date data (timetable, fares and vehicle location (real-time) data) under the provisions of the The Public Service Vehicles (Open Data) (England) Regulations 2020.  

This requirement did not apply to Wales although some Operators data was available on Bus Times. Examples were Arriva Cymru, Lloyds of Machynlleth and certain other operators working TrawsCymru routes.

Today (30th November) most Operators are now showing on with most of their service buses tracked. 

This will now be an extremely useful tool for bus enthusiasts and others.  No doubt there will be a few teething problems but hopefully the system will work well in the long term.