March 8, 2024

The future of Bus Services in Wales

 The Welsh Government and Transport for Wales have recently issued a 58 page document which sets out the future of Bus Services in Wales.      <<LINK>>

It is clear that a form of “franchising” will be rolled out over the coming years.  Despite the number of pages it is short on details of exactly how the franchising system will work – this is still being developed.  The document recognises that currently they are in the “discovery and design phase”.

The document sets out why the de-regulation model started in the late 1980s has not worked to meet the needs of the Welsh travelling public.

One critical element is to be a new Act which will then lay down the statutory framework for the way forward.  This is intended to be put before the Welsh Senedd during the current year with a view to its commencement in 2025.  The franchising arrangements will be introduced during the period of 2026-8.

The franchising will roll out by geographical zones but as yet these franchise areas have not been finally determined.  Currently suggested are 9 zones with  North East and North West Wales being two such areas.

The document recognises that currently there are subsidised services and also commercial services. Interestingly it is proposed that the new legislation will “prohibit bus operators from running commercial services at their discretion.”

The document suggests that there are currently 60 operators running local bus services in Wales made up of multinational operators, municipal operators (Cardiff and Newport) and small to medium sized enterprises  and it is suggested that all of these sizes of operators are likely to continue to participate in a franchised market.  It also suggests that some local authorities can and may set up new municipal (in house) operators should they choose to.