July 26, 2024

P and O Lloyd, Bagillt, Holywell

 It can be confirmed that the five Solos SR's Optare M8570SR-SL (B28F) YJ68FSA/C/D/E/F which have been on loan from Flintshire County Council since they were new in November 2011 have left the fleet and returned to Flintshire County Council.  They were soon entered into auction at Queensferry and it is understood that YJ68FSA and FSD are now with Nefyn Coaches and that YJ68FSC, FSE and FSF are currently being offered for sale by Stafford Bus Centre.

The firm now have two brand new Alexander Dennis A20D / Enviro 200 for work on the newly desiganted F1 and F2 Deeside Shuttle services.  YX24OZM was reported in an earlier Blog when it arrived on 10th June.  SK24CWJ arrived a little later.  They are both currently retaining their original white livery but have received vinyls with the firm's name

The other Optare Solos thta have joined the fleet recently are all now in service and carry the fleet's smart service vehicle liveries :-KX64AFA,, YJ62FMOYJ65EVK and YJ65EVL

The Solo MX07NTO which came from Go Goodwins in May 2023 and received initially a Flintshire council livery has now been the firm's standard service livery.